The keyword wrapper can be used to combine and “wrap” keywords. This means that the keywords will be provided with the correct match type for Google AdWords. For example, keywords can be generated directly as exact match type, phrase (part of a sentence) or broad match. It is also possible to use some options, such as certain words not with a plus sign if modified broad match is chosen. It is also possible to filter all capital letters from the search terms (to avoid creating / adding duplicate search terms to Google AdWords with different capitalization). Finally, there is the option to filter certain common characters (such as exclamation marks) that are not allowed in AdWords at keyword level from the output. When combining and wrapping the keywords, the output is often imported into AdWords. Not only the output, but also the input from column 1 must be included in setting up the AdWords campaign. Therefore, there is the option to include list 1 at the output. If you select wrapping by “phrase”, then you can also combine the keywords vice versa. That means that you can combine list 1 with list 2 and vice versa (list 2 with list 1).